Party for the planet trashformation recycle

Louisville Zoo Welcomes Back Party for the Planet: A Month-Long Celebration of the Earth Powered by LG&E and KU Foundation (Media Release)

The Louisville Zoo invites students of all ages throughout the state of Kentucky to get involved in its 10th annual Trashformation: A Trash-to-Treasure Art Contest for Students. This annual contest is part of the Zoo’s Party for the Planet: A Month-Long Celebration of the Earth, powered by the LG&E and KU Foundation. Find Out More

banner - blurred background of greenery trees, bushes, with glass globe reflecting the greenery that surrounds it


Learn about ways your Zoo works to be a leader in sustainability Sustainability is a core theme driving the Louisville Zoo‘s mission “to better the bond between people and our planet.” By educating visitors about wildlife conservation through amazing encounters … Find Out More