shelby elementary girls pet hedgehog

School at the Zoo: Shelby Day One

We are happy to welcome Shelby Elementary School to the Louisville Zoo for the School at the Zoo program this week. The students arrived by bus at 10 a.m. and were separated into two groups with two of our educators: Mrs. Diane and Mrs. Kathleen.


Today the students explored the Next Generation Science Concepts of Structure and Function. They  observed a hedgehog’s sharp spines and a cockroach’s tough exoskeleton and discussed how these structures aid in survival in the animals’ habitats.

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On their zoo walks today, Mrs. Kathleen’s group was excited to see the zoo keepers feeding our Canada lynx. Mrs. Diane’s group enjoyed seeing Amber the orangutan up close in our Island’s dayroom. Both groups began their ant project by observing a few ants outside.

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Both groups were treated with a special ‘birds of prey’ presentation by our raptor docents. Students saw a red tail hawk, a great horned owl, and a turkey vulture.

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