Elephant origami Dollar Bill

Making the Zoo’s Legacy… Your own Legacy

The Louisville Zoo is grateful to all of the many friends who choose to support our Zoo fund, capital projects, conservation efforts and educational programs with generous gifts. We are also grateful to those who have included the Zoo as part of their charitable estate plans, and we welcome new donors who wish to make a planned gift which secures the future of your Zoo.

In fact, bequests are a simple, flexible and versatile way to make a significant difference to the more than 1,500 animals living here, and our more than 880,000 visitors each year.

While bequests may take many forms, there are a few easy options, including:
a general bequest, where the donor designates that the Zoo is to receive a specified dollar amount

  • a specific bequest*, where the donor designates that the Zoo is to receive a specified asset such as securities
  • real estate, or tangible personal property, or a percentage of his or her estate
  • And a residual bequest, where the donor designates that the Zoo is to receive all or a percentage of whatever remains of his or her estate after all debts, taxes, expenses, and all other specific bequests have been paid.

Donors may also consider making a gift from a life insurance or retirement asset, which can offer tax benefits and are as simple as making a bequest. In order to make the Zoo the beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement asset, you just complete a Change of Beneficiary form from your insurer or plan administrator. The Louisville Zoo is grateful to the commitment to our mission by its many friends and donors.

To learn more about how you can make a difference with your contributions, be they current or future, please contact Bob Micou, Development Director at 502-238-5300.

*The Louisville Zoo must approve the asset to be considered for donation

Originally published in Trunkline Magazine, Sept. 2014.