Trashformation Art Submission Form (2023)Trashformation Submission Form 2023Division Category* Individual Group (4 or more)Group Names (Please list all)Individual Levels Preschool & Kindergarten Grades 1-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12Individual Name* First Last Email* Home Phone*Grade Level*Age*School*Teacher Name (Optional) First Last Teacher Email School PhoneParent Name*Artist Statement*Please include materials used along with anything else you want us to know about your art or the Earth.AttachmentsBelow, please include materials used along with anything else you want us to know about your art or the Earth. Please include all angles of your art: front, back and sides; video is NOT required but if submitting please limit video to 20 seconds; total files can not exceed 50 mb.Attachment #1 Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 100 MB.Attachment #2 Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 100 MB.Attachment #3 Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 100 MB.Attachment #4 Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 100 MB.Release of Responsibility, Grants of Rights: In consideration of the acceptance of my entry for the Louisville Zoo’s Trashformation student art contest, I, myself ; my heirs; and my executors and administrators waive and release all claims against the Louisville Zoological Gardens, LG&E and KU Services Company, LG&E and KU Foundation and all sponsors, supporters, volunteers and vendors and affiliate for all claims of damage, injury, demands and/or actions in any manner as a result of my participation.I further grant*the above parties the right to use and publish images, video and photographs of me and my entry, for any purposes and in any medium, with or without alteration, and to copyright the same. YesCAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.