Glacier Run Live Cam

Welcome to the Louisville Zoo’s Glacier Run Live Cam, made possible by the Irvin F. and Alice S. Etscorn Foundation.

Watch our seals and sea lions splash, jump, zoom, and bask in and out of the water. Be sure to log on at 10:30 a.m., 2 p.m., or 3:45 p.m. to watch a training demonstration with our pinnipeds and their keepers. One fun fact is that the word pinniped means ‘fin’- ‘footed’.  On this page, you can also learn more about all the animals that call Glacier Run home and download supporting materials and activities.


Watch our seals and sea lions splash, jump, zoom and bask in and out of the water. Be sure to log on at 10:30 a.m., 2 p.m., or 3:45 p.m. to watch a training demonstration with our pinnipeds and their keepers. Animal demonstrations are subject to change based on weather, maintenance and the needs of the animals.Please note that you may see balls and other enrichment used by our seals and sea lions. Enrichment encourages natural behaviors and helps increase physical activity. It also engages the animals in problem-solving and enhances their environment in a variety of ways.


What is the difference between seals and sea lions?


  • Have ear holes
  • Have short, hairy front flippers and claws
  • Move on land like an inchworm
  • Swim by steering with four flippers and powering with hind flippers

Sea Lions

  • Have ear flaps
  • Have long hairless front flippers
  • Rotate hind flippers to be agile and walk quickly on land
  • Swim using front flippers like wings of a bird

What are their names, and kind are they?
We currently have eight animals. Our two female California sea lions are Riva and Gremlin. Tonie and Oscar are our Harbor seals. We have four gray seals named Rona, Boone, Minnow, and Finsbay.

Can they be all together?
Not currently. The animals at Glacier Run are divided into two groups. Some animals can move between groups while others prefer to stay in their established group. Keepers keep a close eye on all the animals and work toward giving them a safe and well-rounded social life.

How long do they live?
California sea lions live on average 15 – 20 years but in managed systems they can live up to 30 years. Harbor seals will live on average 25 – 30 years. Gray seals live on average 25 – 35 years with those in managed systems often reaching into their 30s.

What do they eat and how much?
At our Zoo, we feed the pinnipeds fish and sometimes squid. The two main types of fish are herring and capelin. Depending on the time of year and the size of the animal, keepers will feed anywhere from a few pounds of fish/day per animal all the way up to 30 pounds of fish/day per animal.

How long can they hold their breath?
California sea lions can stay underwater on average 8 – 20 minutes. One fun fact is that they blow all the air out before they dive to hundreds of feet down underwater. Grey seals can hold their breath underwater for up to 30 minutes. Harbor seals can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes! You may see our seals sleeping underwater for these long periods.

Where can they be found in the remnant wild?
California sea lions are found off the California coast and adjacent islands. Harbor seals can be found in temperate, subarctic and arctic waters of both the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans, and as far south as the California Coast and Baja California. Gray seals are found in temperate and subarctic waters on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean, as well as in the Baltic Sea.

Why do they do training?
The Louisville Zoo uses positive-based reinforcement training called “operant conditioning.” Keepers work with the animals multiple times per day to reinforce positive relationships and increase the mental and physical health of the animals. By incorporating training into their everyday routine, keepers can take better care and understand and predict the needs of each animal. Daily health checks and preventative care allow for our animals to live long healthy lives and enjoy close bonds with their keepers.

How much water can the pool hold? How deep is it? Is it saltwater? What’s the temperature?
The pool holds 110,000 gallons of saltwater. It goes down to a depth of 9 feet and the temperature never gets above 65˚F.

Do they have pools inside?
Yes, they have two large indoor pools with decks that allow for both groups to be comfortable inside while still away from each other. In addition, there are two smaller pools and decks for times when an animal needs to be separated for special reasons.



Thank you to the Irvin F. and Alice S. Etscorn Foundation for their generous support of  the Louisville Zoo’s live streaming opportunities.


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Watch the mob explore their exhibit, discover and investigate enrichment items and interact with each other in a unique hierarchical system. On this page you can also learn more about our meerkats and download supporting materials and activities.

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