Join us this summer for Wildlife Celebrations sponsored by Kid’s Dentistree! Guests can enjoy important wildlife conservation days and fun birthday activities for our animal ambassadors. See demonstrations, enrichment activities and learn fun facts about wildlife with help from our pals at Kid’s Dentistree.
Wednesday, June 15: King Louie Birthday
We’re celebrating rare white alligator King Louie! This guest favorite animal ambassador came to the Louisville Zoo in 2005 and has been reigning over the HerpAquarium since! Join us online to learn a little more about alligators.
Friday, June 17: World Crocodile Day
Smile, it’s World Crocodile Day! On this special day, we bring awareness to these special reptiles and their struggles in the vanishing wild. The Zoo is home to one very special and very endangered crocodile species: the Cuban crocodile. Louisville Zoo HerpAquarium Curator, Bill McMahan, heads up the Species Survival Program. Join us online to learn more about conservation efforts.
Saturday, July 2: ‘Bella’ Orangutan Birthday
(Official Birthday July 1) Tune in online during this week for a special video about orangutan oral care. Watch Bella as she receives special birthday enrichment and treats (weather-permitting) plus enjoy a keeper talk at 10:15 a.m. Be sure to grab a toothbrush from Kid’s Dentistree to make sure you keep your own “treat tasters” healthy!
Sunday, July 10: Cuban Croc Birthday
Cuban crocodile Camilo is turning 37! Join us online to learn all about the critically endangered Cuban Crocodile, why they are important, the struggles they are facing and how your Louisville Zoo is working to save them from extinction.
Friday, July 29: International Tiger Day
My, what big teeth you have! Join us this week online to learn more about tigers including how we take care of those big, big teeth! Join us at the Zoo on International Tiger Day at Tiger Taiga for training demonstrations with these big cats plus a keeper talk at 11 a.m. Don’t forget to pick up a toothbrush from Kid’s Dentistree to make sure you keep your own “fangs” in good health!
Saturday, August 13: World Elephant Day / Fitz’s Birthday / Mikki’s Birthday
(World Elephant Day official day Aug.12; Fitz’s Birthday Official Aug. 2;
Mikki’s birthday observed Sept. 1)
It’s a triple-trunk bash! Join us as we celebrate the birthdays of two of the Zoo’s most beloved ambassadors, Fitz and Mikki, plus learn more about elephants, what makes them so amazing and what it takes to care for them at the Zoo! There will be special birthday enrichment for your favorite tusked pals plus a keeper talk at 11 a.m. Be sure to grab a toothbrush from Kid’s Dentistree so you can take care of your own “tusks” when you get home.
Sunday, Sept 4: National Wildlife Day / Save a Tiger Month Kick Off
Let out a big roar! We’re celebrating National Wildlife Day and Save a Tiger Month with a Kick Off! Join us in the Islands Banjar House at 10:15 a.m. for a special Sumatran tiger keeper talk. Learn all about these incredible Islands-dwelling big cats and their care. Grab a free toothbrush from Kid’s Dentistree while you learn about the dental care of the animals (while supplies last).
Can’t get enough tiger talk? Head over to Tiger Taiga at 11:45 a.m. to enjoy an Amur Tiger Keeper talk. Once known as Siberian tigers, these big cats call the cold climates of eastern Russia and northeastern China home!
Please note: all activities are weather-permitting and subject to change due to the needs of the animals. For the latest information about presentations, visit