“Future Healers Got Zoo Buddies” is a program partnership with Christopher 2X’s Game Changers organization. “Future Healers Got Zoo Buddies” is an initiative created to explore the healing and therapeutic power of animals with young kids in our community who have experienced secondary trauma from violence.
Using the One Health approach — a public health initiative that strives to understand the connection between humans, animals and the environment — the partnership aims to highlight how we are all interconnected with each other, the animals and our planet — and how empathy is at the foundation of that connection.
Seventeen kids and their families were handpicked by Christopher 2X to be a part of the “Future Healers Got Zoo Buddies” program. These 20 kids will meet at the Zoo for exclusive educational programs, camps and behind-the-scenes opportunities each year that emphasize this “One Health, One Planet” concept.
Media Releases
February 18, 2022
Planet Savers Zoo Club Formed to Expand Zoo Access
February 4, 2022
Louisville Zoo Announces “Future Healers Got Zoo Buddies” Program Partnership