Zoo’s Adopt-a-Garden program seeks experienced gardeners

CONTACT: Kyle Shepherd
Direct: 502-238-5331  |  Media Only: 502-744-5639

Orientation set for March 15

Adopt-a-Garden, the Louisville Zoo’s volunteer botanical gardening program, is seeking experienced gardeners. Now in its fourth year, the program will allow individuals, families (ages 18+) and groups with green thumbs to adopt specific garden sites throughout the Zoo. Signs will mark each garden site with the individual’s or group’s name.

A required orientation session, which includes an overview of the Adopt-a-Garden program, will be held on Saturday, March 15 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the Gheens Room in The Islands exhibit.

The program runs mid-April through mid-November, and sizes and locations of garden plots vary. This program is designed for experienced gardeners and no training is provided.

Participants are required to submit a plan for their area and will be responsible for planting the garden, weeding, watering and maintaining it throughout the growing season, including spring and fall bed clean up. Cost of plants will be at the volunteer’s expense or, with prior permission, plants can be brought in from volunteers’ own gardens. The cost of plants may be tax deductible.

For additional information and to RSVP by Wednesday, March 13 for the required orientation session, contact Diane Taylor, Coordinator of Volunteers at the Louisville Zoo, at mary.taylor@louisvilleky.gov.

For other volunteer opportunities at the Louisville Zoo, visit www.louisvillezoo.org/volunteer

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About Louisville Zoo, The Louisville Zoo, a non-profit organization and state zoo of Kentucky, is dedicated to bettering the bond between people and our planet by providing excellent care for animals, a great experience for visitors, and leadership in scientific research and conservation education. The Zoo is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) and by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).

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