
Pragense Viburnum/Prague Viburnum

Scientific Name
Viburnum x pragense

Pragense viburnum is a hybrid whose parent species were the leatherleaf viburnum and the service viburnum. This variety was first created in the Czech Republic in 1955. The parent plants were actually natives of China.

Grows best in fertile, moist, well drained soils which are slightly acidic. Prefers full sun to moderate shade.

Growth Nature
A fast growing shrub, it can reach heights of 10 to 12 ft. and a spread of 8 to 10 ft. In the landscape it is a good idea to top the plant periodically to encourage branch growth.

Points of Interest

  • Has a lot of landscape interest in that it is evergreen, containing leathery green leaves that are slick on top and rather velvety on the underside.
  • Can be propagated from softwood cuttings.
  • The fruiting berries show up in mid to late summer and will stay on the plant through December.
  • Large showy flowers are attractive to birds and butterflies and present a lot of interest for the garden.
  • One of the more commonly used and easily found viburnums found in the garden landscape.