photo - Chameleaon side view of head and shoulder area, protruding red eye socket, variety of colors, with intricate designs all over its body, colors are browns on face, greens on head, shoulder, back, leg, red, blue, yellow outlines mouth

Chameleon, Panther

Northern and coastal areas of Madagascar


  • Lives in the forest areas and sometimes in the rain forest.
  • Lives mostly in the coastal lowlands where it is warm and humid.
  • Likes to be off the ground, up in trees and bushes.

Males are much larger that the females and range in size from 12 – 17 inches. Females grow to about 7 – 9 inches.

Wild: 2 – 3 years
Captivity: 5 – 7 years depending on how well they are cared for.


  • Females lay eggs and bury them under dirt and leaves.
  • Lay about 30 eggs 30 – 45 days after being fertilized
  • Incubation time: 5 – 7 months depending on the temperature

Wild: Insects, small birds and other reptiles
Zoo: crickets, mealworms (occasionally pinkies)


  • They do not change color to blend into environment. The color change is influenced by environmental and emotional factors such as temperature, light, fear, victory or defeat in a battle.
  • Males attract mates by bobbing their heads up and down and side to side. Females will display dull colors when they want to mate and bright colors when she does not.


  • They use their color change to help change their temperature. If they need to heat up, they move into the sun and turns darker so that the color will soak up the sun.
  • Chameleons never shed.
  • They need to see moving water in order to drink it. They have been seen drinking out of a water dish in captivity but they prefer to catch drops of raining rolling down their face and licking dew off the leaves in the morning.

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