Meet the Elephants

The Harry Frazier Family Elephant Encounter is home to two of the Louisville Zoo’s most beloved animal ambassadors: African elephant Mikki and Asian elephant Punch!

The Louisville Zoo Mourns the Loss of Fitz (2019-2023) See more information on Fitz's short but impactful story.


Mikki is an African elephant that arrived at the Louisville Zoo on July 28, 1987 when she was about 2 years old. She spends her time foraging in the exhibit and especially enjoys pulling the bark and leaves off of trees. Guests have even witnessed her bracing her front legs on top of Punch to grab the highest tree limbs! She also spends time digging in the clay pile in her habitat.

Elephants at the Louisville ZooPunch

Punch arrived at the Louisville Zoo in 1973 when she was about 3 years old.  Punch, though considered a geriatric elephant, is still very active and enjoys playing with her boomer ball. She will often choose to kick it with her back leg and will even chase it into the elephant pool during hot summer months.

Learn about our first-rate elephant care.